Spotlight: Publications
Spotlight: Presentations
Faculty Publications and Presentations, fall 2023
Lavallee M., Galea S., Abuelezam N. N. (2023). Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Emergency Allotments and Food Security, Hospitalizations, and Hospital Capacity. JAMA Network Open, 6(8), e2326332. DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.26332
Bowser, D. M., Agarwal-Harding, P., Sombrio, A. G., Shepard, D. S., & Harker Roa, A. (2022). Integrating Venezuelan Migrants into the Colombian Health System during COVID-19. Health Systems and Reform, 8(1), 2079448. DOI: 10.1080/23288604.2022.2079448
Bowser, D., Bohler, R., Trotter Davis, M., Hodgkin, D., Frank, R. G., & Horgan, C. M. (2023). New Methadone Treatment Regulations Should Be Complemented by Payment and Financing Reform. Health Affairs Forefront, 2023, June 1, DOI: 10.1377/forefront.20230531.974690
Bowser, D. M., Rowlands, K. R., Hariharan, D., Gervasio, R. M., Buckley, L., Halasa-Rappel, Y., Glaser, E. L., Nelson, C. B., & Shepard, D. S. (2022). Cost of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections in US Infants: Systematic Literature Review and Analysis. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 226(Suppl 2), S225–S235. DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiac172
Dunlap, L. J., Kuklinski, M. R., Cowell, A., McCollister, K. E., Bowser, D. M., Campbell, M., Fernandes, C. F., Kemburu, P., Livingston, B. J., Prosser, L. A., Rao, V., Smart, R., & Yilmazer, T. (2022). Economic Evaluation Design within the HEAL Prevention Cooperative. Prevention Science: The Official Journal of the Society for Prevention Research, 1–11. DOI: 10.1007/s11121-022-01400-5
Glaser, E. L., Hariharan, D., Bowser, D. M., Gervasio, R. M., Rowlands, K. R., Buckley, L., Nelson, B. B., & Shepard, D. S. (2022). Impact of Respiratory Syncytial Virus on Child, Caregiver, and Family Quality of Life in the United States: Systematic Literature Review and Analysis. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 226(Suppl 2), S236–S245. DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiac183
Jason, J. S., Bowser, D. M., Harker Roa, A., Contreras Ceballos, D. C., Muñoz, S., Sombrio, A. G., & Shepard, D. S. (2022). Impact of Weekday and Weekend Mobility and Public Policies on COVID-19 Incidence and Deaths across 76 Large Municipalities in Colombia: Statistical Analysis and Simulation. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 2460. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-14781-7
Shepard, D. S., Boada, A., Newball-Ramirez, D., Sombrio, A. G., Rincon Perez, C. W., Agarwal-Harding, P., Jason, J. S., Harker Roa, A., & Bowser, D. M. (2023). Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Utilization, Cases, and Deaths of Citizens and Displaced Venezuelans in Colombia: Complementary Comprehensive and Safety-Net Systems under Colombia’s Constitutional Commitment. PloS One, 18(3), e0282786.
Pérez Capotosto, M., Lee, C. S., Jurgens, C. Y., Wang, S., Mitsunami, M., Charlton, B. M., & Chavarro, J. E. (2022). Predictors of Fertility-Awareness-Based Method Use among Women Trying to Conceive and Women Contemplating Pregnancy, Nursing Research, 72(5) 355-362. DOI: 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000666
Cho, E., Dietrich, M. S., Friedman, D. L., Gilmer, M. J., Gerhardt, C. A., Given, B. A., Hendricks-Ferguson, V. L., Hinds, P. S., & Terrah, A. F. (2022). Effects of a Web-Based Pediatric Oncology Legacy Intervention on the Coping of Children with Cancer. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 40(1), 34–42. DOI: 10.1177/10499091221100809
Cho, E. (2022, April 28–30). Human Flourishing in Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer [Paper presentation]. Presented at the Global Breast Cancer Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Marseille, B. R., Kolawole, J., Thorpe-Williams, J., Francis, L., Delva, S., Foronda, C. L., Bivins, B., Owusu, B., Josiah, N., & Baptiste, D. L. (2023). Addressing Hypertension among Haitian Adults with Insufficient Access to Quality Healthcare: A Discursive Review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 79(5), 1691–1698. DOI: 10.1111/jan.15633
Hesse-Biber, S., Seven, M., Shea, H., Heaney, M., & Dwyer, A. A. (2023). Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Genomic Healthcare Utilization, Patient Activation, and Intrafamilial Communication of Risk among Females Tested for BRCA Variants: A Mixed Methods Study. Genes, 14(7), 1450. DOI: 10.3390/genes14071450
Dwyer, A. A. A. (2022). A Developmental Perspective Sheds Light on Reproductive Differences Between Congenital and Acquired Hypogonadism. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 107(9), e3955–e3956. DOI: 10.1210/clinem/dgac289
Dwyer, A. A. A., Stamou, M., McDonald, I. R., Anghel, E., Cox, K. H., Salnikov, K. B., Plummer, L., Seminara, S. B., & Balasubramanian, R. (2022). Reversible Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism in Men with the Fertile Eunuch/Pasqualini Syndrome: A Single-Center Natural History Study. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13, 1054447. DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2022.1054447
Grafft, N., Dwyer, A. A. A., & Pineros-Leano, M. (2022). Latinx Individuals’ Knowledge of, Preferences for, and Experiences with Prenatal Genetic Testing: A Scoping Review. Reproductive Health, 19(1), 134. DOI: 10.1186/s12978-022-01438-2
Boltz, M., Flanagan, J. M., & Ji, M. (2023). Postacute Rehabilitation in Patients with and without Dementia. Annals of Long Term Care. DOI:10.25270/altc.2023.09.002
Flanagan, J. (2023). Editorial: Big Data: Nursing’s Moment. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, 34(3), 169. DOI: 10.1111/2047-3095.12438
Flanagan, J. (2023). Editorial: Don’t Hide the Disciplinary Focus, Steward It. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, 34(2), 87–88. DOI: 10.1111/2047-3095.12422
Leone-Sheehan, D., Flanagan, J., & Willis, D. (2023). Intensive Care Unit Nurses’ Experience of Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Caritas Process III: Developing Spiritual Self to Provide Spiritual Nursing Care. Advances in Nursing Science. DOI: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000489
Gennaro, S. (2023). Open Access: A Watershed Moment. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 55(5), 901–902. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12933
Gennaro, S. (2023). After the Global Pandemic: Nurses Moving Forward to Improve World Health. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 55(4), 763–764. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12919
Gennaro, S., & McCarthy, C. F. (2023). Emerging from the Pandemic: Global Nursing Priorities for the Future. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 55(4), 767–770. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12902
Gennaro, S. (2022). New Year, New Challenges, and New Research. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 54(2), 141–142. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.1276
Gennaro, S. (2022). The Information Nurses Need. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 54(3), 273–274. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12777
Gennaro, S., & Melnyk, B. (2023, July 19–23). Getting Published [Conference Session]. 34th International Research Congress, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Gennaro, S., & Melnyk, B. (2023, July 19–23). Publishing: A Career Road for You? [Conference Session]. 34th International Research Congress, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Conference Proceedings
Gennaro, S., & Melnyk, B. (2023, July 19–23). Getting Published [Conference Session]. 34th International Research Congress, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Gennaro, S., & Melnyk, B. (2023, July 19–23). Publishing: A Career Road for You? [Conference Session]. 34th International Research Congress, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Morris J. N., Howard E. P., Schachter E., Burney S., Laytham A., Fialova D., Hoogendijk E. O., Liperoti R., van Hout H. P. J. , Vetrano D. L. (2023) Cognitive Change among Nursing Home Residents: CogRisk-NH Scale Development to Predict Decline. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 24(9), 1405–1411. DOI: 10.1016/j.jamda.2023.06.011
Howard, E., Burney, S. N., Laytham, A. K., & Morris, J. (2023, March 22–24). Predicting Cognitive Change Among Nursing Home Residents: A Cross-National Perspective [Paper Presentation]. Eastern Nursing Research Society 35th Annual Scientific Session, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Beavers, C. J., & Jurgens, C. Y. (2023). Best Practice: Using Pharmacist- and Nurse-Led Optimization in Heart Failure to Achieve Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy Goals. Journal of Cardiac Failure, 29(7), 1014–1016. DOI: 10.1016/j.cardfail.2023.05.008
Locatelli, G., Iovino, P., Jurgens, C. Y., Alvaro, R., Uchmanowicz, I., Rasero, L., Riegel, B., & Vellone, E. (2023). The Influence of Caregiver Contribution to Self-Care on Symptom Burden in Patients with Heart Failure and the Mediating Role of Patient Self-Care: A Longitudinal Mediation Analysis. The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. DOI: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000001024
Pérez Capotosto, M., Lee, C. S., Jurgens, C. Y., Wang, S., Mitsunami, M., Charlton, B. M., & Chavarro, J. E. (2023). Predictors of Fertility-Awareness-Based Method Use Among Women Trying to Conceive and Women Contemplating Pregnancy. Nursing Research, 72(5), 355–362. DOI: 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000666
Sandau, K. E., Lee, C. S., Faulkner, K. M., Pozehl, B., Eckman, P., Garberich, R., Weaver, C. E., Joseph, S. M., Hall, S., Carey, S. A., Chaudhry, S. P., Schroeder, S. E., Hoffman, R. O., 3rd, Feldman, D., Birati, E. Y., Soni, M., Marble, J. F., Jurgens, C. Y., Hoglund, B., & Cowger, J. A. (2021). Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with a Left Ventricular Assist Device (QOLVAD) Questionnaire: Initial Psychometrics of a New Instrument. The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 36(2), 172–184. DOI: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000774
Senecal, L. E., & Jurgens, C. Y. (2022). Persistent Heart Failure Symptoms at Hospital Discharge Predicts 30-Day Clinical Events. The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 37(2), 158–166. DOI: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000767
Soydara, C., Jurgens, C., & Lewis, G. D. (2023). Postexercise Oxygen Uptake Recovery Delay Among Patients with Heart Failure: A Systematic Review. Heart Mind Journal, 7(1), 40–44. DOI: 10.4103/hm.hm_42_22
Longacre (Holmes), A. (2023, June 20). Integrating Nutrition and Health: The Role of Health Care Provider Education [Conference Presentation]. Boston Summit: Advancing Food Is Medicine Approaches, Boston, MA, United States. YouTube video
Hotchkiss, J., Longacre (Holmes), A., Mann, J., Sonnie, M., Lemor, E., & van de Water, B. (2023, October 6). Using the Organizational Readiness for Implementing Change (ORIC) Survey for Two Schools of Midwifery in Sierra Leone to Predict Effectiveness of a Midwifery Preceptor Program. Sigma Region 15 Nursing Research Symposium, Boston, MA, United States.
Berridge, C., Turner, N., Liu, L., Fredrekson-Goldsen, K. I., Lyons, K. S., Demiris, G., Kaye, J., & Lober, W. B. (2023). Preliminary Efficacy of Let’s Talk Tech: Technology Use Planning for Dementia Care Dyads. Innovation in Aging, 7(3), igad018. DOI: 10.1093/geroni/igad018
Irani, E., Buck, H. G., Lyons, K. S., Margevicius, S., Vellone, E., Bugajski, A., & De Maria, M. (2023). Examining How Congruence in and Satisfaction with Dyadic Care Type Appraisal
Contribute to Quality of Life in Heart Failure Care Dyads. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 22(2), 158–165. DOI: 10.1093/eurjcn/zvac052
Matarese, M., Lyons, K. S., Piredda, M., & De Marinis, M. G. (2023). Disease-Related Knowledge in People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Their Informal Caregivers: A Multilevel Modelling Analysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 32(13–14), 3543–3556. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.16433
Skiba, M. B., Dieckmann, N., Lyons, K. S., & Winters-Stone, K. (2023). Associations between Perceptions of Relationship Quality and Markers of Inflammation and Insulin Resistance among Couples Coping with Cancer. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 17(4), 957–966. DOI: 10.1007/s11764-022-01299-5
Stewart, B. J., Lyons, K. S., Hornbrook, M. C., Hiatt, S. O., O’Keefe-Rosetti, M., Fields, J., & Archbold, P. G. (2023). How Concurrent Services Obscured Detection of Intervention Benefits: Part 2: Secondary Analysis of the PREP Trial for Frail Older Adults and Family Caregivers. Research in Gerontological Nursing 16(2), 71–83. DOI: 10.3928/19404921-20230220-03
Lyons, K. S. (2023, June 21–23). Evaluating Interventions at the Level of the Dyad: An Exemplar Using Data from Couples Living with Parkinson’s Disease [Breakout Session]. International Family Nursing Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Kim, K., & Lyons, K. S. (2023, May). The Association between Satisfaction with Decisions and Mental Health in Patients with Fibromyalgia [Presentation]. Boston College Research Day, Chestnut Hill, MA, United States.
Hong, S., & Lyons, K. S. (2023, May). The Impact of Cancer in Young-Midlife Adults 1-3 Years Post Diagnosis: The Roles of Sex and Age [Presentation]. Boston College Research Day, Chestnut Hill, MA, United States.
Lyons, K. S. (2023, January 25). Using Longitudinal Dyadic Data to Study Midlife and Later Life Couples [Workshop]. Longitudinal Dyadic Data Analysis on Aging Couples, University of Texas at Austin, TX, United States.
Lyons, K. S., Han, S. H., Kim, K., & Miller, L. M. (2022, November 2–6). Dyadic Appraisals of Family Decisions and Health Tasks in Middle-Aged and Older Couples [Paper Presentation]. Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, United States.
Magny-Normilus, C., Griggs, S., Sanders, J., Hwang, Y., & Longhurst, C. (2023). Sleep Characteristics in Adults of African Descent at Risk for and with Cardiometabolic Conditions: A Systematic Review. Endocrines, 4(3), 502–520. DOI: 10.3390/endocrines4030036
Huang, S., Magny-Normilus, C., McMahon, E., & Whittemore, R. (2022). Systematic Review of Lifestyle Interventions for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing: JOGNN, 51(2), 115–125. DOI: 10.1016/j.jogn.2021.10.007
Marshall, A. O. (2023, July 20–21). STI Update 2023 [Educational Session]. National Nurse Practitioner Symposium, Keystone, CO, United States.
Marshall, A. O. (2023, July 20–21). Public Defender: A History of Genital Hair Removal [Educational Session]. National Nurse Practitioner Symposium, Keystone, CO, United States.
Benjamin, B., Milliken, A., & Grace, P. (2022). Effective Communication—Improving Communication Skills. In P. Grace, & A. Milliken (Eds.), Clinical Ethics Handbook for Nurses (pp. 59–83). Springer.
Dunne, J. P., Blackwell, E. K., Ursini, E., & Milliken, A. (2022). Ethical Issues in Psychiatric and Mental Health Care. In P. Grace, & A. Milliken (Eds.), Clinical Ethics Handbook for Nurses (pp. 175–203). Springer.
Grace, P. J., & Milliken, A. (2022). Advanced Practice Nursing: The Nurse-Patient Relationship and General Ethical Concerns. In P. J. Grace, M. K. Uveges (Eds.), Nursing Ethics and Professional Responsibility in Advanced Practice (4th ed., pp. 77–125). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Grace, P., & Millikens, A. (2022). Clinical Ethics Handbook for Nurses: Emphasizing Context, Communication, and Collaboration. Springer.
Grace, P. J., & Milliken, A. (2022). The History, Language and Tools of Ethics: Application in Healthcare Settings. In P. Grace, & A. Milliken (Eds.), Clinical Ethics Handbook for Nurses (pp. 35–55). Springer.
Grace, P. J., & Milliken, A. (2022). Organizational Influences on Ethical Action. In P. Grace, & A. Millikens (Eds.), Clinical Ethics Handbook for Nurses (pp. 227–235). Springer.
Grace, P. J., & Milliken, A. (2022). Research on Human Subjects: Nurses’ Roles and Responsibilities. In P. Grace, & A. Milliken (Eds.), Clinical Ethics Handbook for Nurses (pp. 205–226). Springer.
Grace, P. J., Milliken, A., & Uveges, M. (2022). Neonatal and Pediatric Acute and Palliative Care. In P. Grace, & A. Milliken (Eds.), Clinical Ethics Handbook for Nurses (pp. 135–151). Springer.
Grace, P., Milliken, A., & Welch, J. (2022). Social Justice, Structural Disparities and Nursing Responsibilities. In P. Grace, & A. Milliken (Eds.), Clinical Ethics Handbook for Nurses (pp. 237–253). Springer.
Kerckhoffs, M. C., Dutzmann, J., Milliken, A., & Kesecioglu, J. (2023). Life-Sustaining Therapies: Indication, Prognostication, and the Patient’s Wishes. In Ethics in Intensive Care Medicine (pp. 71–80). Springer International Publishing.
Mendola, A., Grace, P. J., & Milliken, A. (2022). Cultural, Religious, Language and Personal Experiences: Influences in Ethical Deliberations. In P. Grace, & A. Milliken (Eds.), Clinical Ethics Handbook for Nurses (pp. 115–132). Springer.
Milliken, A., & Grace, P. (2022). Developing Ethical Awareness and Ethical Sensitivity. In P. Grace & A. Milliken (Eds.), Clinical Ethics Handbook for Nurses (pp. 21–33). Springer.
Milliken, A., Mondeverde, S., & Grace, P. (2022). Models of Ethics Deliberation and Consultation. In P. Grace, & A. Milliken (Eds.), Clinical Ethics Handbook for Nurses (pp. 85–114). Springer.
Milliken, A., & Sadovnikoff, N. (2023). Clinical Ethics and Ethical Principles. In A. Michaelsen, N. Sadovnikoff, & J. Kesecioglu (Eds.), Ethics in Intensive Care Medicine (pp. 3–11). Springer International Publishing.
Milliken, A., & Sadovnikoff, N. (2023). The Two Pillars of Intensive Care Medicine (II): The Patient’s Wishes and Consent. In A. Michaelsen, N. Sadovnikoff, & J. Kesecioglu (Eds.), Ethics in Intensive Care Medicine (pp. 25–29). Springer International Publishing.
Milliken, A., & Uveges, M. K. (2022). Nurses’ Ethical Obligations Toward Unvaccinated Individuals. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 33(2), 220–226. DOI: 10.4037/aacnacc2022491
Rusinova, K., Vergano, M., Milliken, A., & Michalsen, A. (2023). Distributive Justice: Ethics in Health Care Crises. In A. Michaelsen, N. Sadovnikoff, & J. Kesecioglu (Eds.), Ethics in Intensive Care Medicine (pp. 141–153). Springer International Publishing.
van Dam, M., Kesecioglu, J., Duttge, G., Ely, E. W., Sprung, C. L., & Milliken, A. (2023). Clinical Ethics and the Law. In A. Michaelsen, N. Sadovnikoff, & J. Kesecioglu (Eds.), Ethics in Intensive Care Medicine (pp. 131–140). Springer International Publishing.
Milliken, A., Curry, K., & Rushton, C. (2023, Summer). Moral Sensitivity: Awareness of My Responsibility Recognizing an Issue [Presentation]. Ethics in Nursing Education: Tools for Cultivating Ethical Competence in Learners.
Milliken, A. (2023, April). Advocacy & Clinical Ethics: Aspiration, Obligation, and Negotiation [Presentation]. 53rd Meeting of the NH/VT Ethics Committees: Professional Responsibility, Ethics & Advocacy–Skills to Empower Effective Change., Lebanon, NH, United States.
Milliken, A. (2023, March). Clinical and Nursing Ethics [Presentation]. The Globalization: Global Perspectives Locally Applied Simulation and Research, Chestnut Hill, MA, United States.
Berlinger, N., Milliken, A., & Stokes, F. (2023, March 1–3). How Should Nursing and Healthcare Ethics Change after COVID 19? [Keynote]. Carol Carfang Nursing and Healthcare Ethics Conference, Clearwater Beach, FL, United States.
Milliken, A. (2023, April 28). Clinical Ethics and Clinical Research Nursing [Presentation]. 1st Annual Regional Northeast Clinical Research Nurse Symposium.
Milliken, A. (2022, April 4). Risk, Resources, and Healthcare in a Time of Crisis [Lecture]. Labrecque Lecture in Medical Ethics, Chestnut Hill, MA, United States.
Buchbinder, M., Khullar, D., Milliken, A., Navuluri, M., & Berlinger, N. (2023, May 1). Reimagining Healthcare Work, Repairing Healthcare Systems: Lessons from the Frontline [Video]. YouTube
Milliken, A. (2023, June 1). Nurse Champion Role Helps Identify Ethics Issues. Medical Ethics Advisor.
Milliken, A. (2023, April 1). Remain Cautious When Using Chatbots to Provide Mental Healthcare. Medical Ethics Advisor.
Milliken, A., & Shuman, A. G. (2023, August 1). Ethicists View HEC-C as One Step Toward Professionalization. Medical Ethics Advisor.
Duggan, A., O’Reilly-Jacob, M., Vicini, A., Shaughnessy, A., & Zgurzynski, M. (2022, June 1). Telemedicine beyond the Pandemic: The Human Work of Primary Health Care [Discussion]. International Communication Association Post Conference, Dijon, France.
O’Reilly-Jacob M., Perloff, J., Freeman, P., Zwilling, J., & Donelan, K. (2023, July 1-5). The Experience of Nurse Practitioners Transitioning to Full Practice Authority in Massachusetts, United States [E-Poster Viewings]. International Council of Nurses Congress, Montreal, Canada.
McGrattan, K. E., Mohr, A. H., Weikle, E., Hernandez, K., Walsh, K., Park, J., Ramel, S. E., Georgieff, M. K., Dietz, K., Dahlstrom, K., Lindsay, J., & Thoyre, S. (2023). Establishing Normative Values for Healthy Term Infant Feeding Performance: Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool—Mixed, Oral Feeding Scale, and Early Feeding Skills Assessment. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1–10. DOI: 10.1044/2023_AJSLP-22-00372
Alder, M., Estrem, H., Park, J., Proctor, K., Ravindran, M., Sharp, W., & Vickery, B. (2023, June 20–23). What Does the Word “Family” Mean to You?: Engagement of Families and Parents in Psychosocial Food Allergy Instrument Development [Breakout Session]. 16th International Family Nursing Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Ford, S., Estrem, H., Park, J., & Thoyre, S. (2023, June 20–23). The Intersection of Infant Feeding Issues and Parent/Family Impact during the First Year: A Network Perspective [Breakout Session]. The 16th International Family Nursing Conference, Dublin, Ireland
Proctor, K., Park, J., Estrem, H., Thoyre, S., Vickery, B., & Sharp, W. (2023, June 20–23). The Additive Impact of Food Allergies in Pediatric Feeding Disorders [Poster Session]. 16th International Family Nursing Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Thompson, K., Park, J., Dorko, C., Smallcomb, J., Hansen, R., Castellanos, M., Moncada, D., Walter, K., & Thoyre, S. (2023, March). Physiologic and Feeding Outcomes of Side-Lying and Supine Positions during Feeding in the NICU [Poster Session]. 31st Annual Meeting of the Dysphagia Research Society, San Francisco, CA.
Thompson, K., Park, J., & Thoyre, S. (2023, March 15–17). Follow-Up Care for High-Risk Infants with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia [Poster Session]. 31st Annual Meeting of the Dysphagia Research Society, San Francisco, CA, United States.
Thoyre, S., Knafl, K., Estre, H., Thompson, K., Cromeens, M. G., & Park, J. (2023, June 20–23). How Parents of Developmentally At-Risk Infants Define “Successful Feeding” at 1, 6, and 12 Months of Age [Breakout Session]. The 16th International Family Nursing Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Andrews, J., Pounds, K., & Horowitz, J. (2022). The Therapeutic Relationship. In C. L. Edelman, & E. C. Kudzma (Eds.), Health Promotion throughout the Lifespan (10th ed., pp. 96–120). Elsevier.
Etchin, A. G., Fonda, J. R., Howard, E. P., Fortier, C. B., Milberg, W. P., Pounds, K., & McGlinchey, R. E. (2022). Childhood Trauma Differentially Impacts Depression and Stress Associations with Reintegration Challenges among Post-9/11 U.S. Veterans. Nursing Outlook, 70(2), 323–336. DOI: 10.1016/j.outlook.2021.10.008
Pounds, K. (2023). Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses: Novel IDEAS Moving Whole Health Forward. [Poster]. American Psychiatric Nurses Association's 37th Annual Conference. Lake Buena Vista, FL
Gilliss, C., Berkowitz, B., Johnson, J., Milone-Nuzzo, P., Reid Ponte, P. (2023). Organizationally Minded Nursing Leadership. DEStech Publications. Link
Liu, J., Gou, R. Y., Jones, R. N., Schmitt, E. M., Metzger, E., Tabloski P. A., … Inouye, S. K. (2023) Association of Loneliness With Change in Physical and Emotional Health of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Shutdown. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1016/j.jagp.2023.07.015
Lutz, B. J., Tabloski, P. A., & Turner, T. A. (2022). Categorizing National Caregiver Recommendations to Support Family Caregivers and Address Unmet Needs. Nursing Outlook, 70(6), 837–845. DOI: 10.1016/j.outlook.2022.07.013
Underwood, P. (2022, October). Prevention and Treatment of Cardiometabolic Disease in Women [Presentation]. Women’s Health Symposium, Chestnut Hill, MA, United States.
Green, R. C., Shah, N., Genetti, C. A., Yu, T., Zettler, B., Uveges, M. K., Ceyhan-Birsoy, O., Lebo, M. S., Pereira, S., Agrawal, P. B., Parad, R. B., McGuire, A. L., Christensen, K. D., Schwartz, T. S., Rehm, H. L., Holm, I. A., Beggs, A. H., & BabySeq Project Team (2023). Actionability of Unanticipated Monogenic Disease Risks in Newborn Genomic Screening: Findings from the BabySeq Project. American Journal of Human Genetics, 110(7), 1034–1045. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2023.05.007
Martin, M., Kendall, S., & Uveges, M. (2023). Traumatic Brain Injury, Dysphagia, and the Ethics of Oral Intake. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 34(3), 255–262. DOI: 10.4037/aacnacc2023789
Renning, K., van de Water, B., Brandstetter, S., Kasitomu, C., Gowero, N., Simbota, M., & Majamanda, M. (2022). Training Needs Assessment for Practicing Pediatric Critical Care Nurses in Malawi to Inform the Development of a Specialized Master’s Education Pathway: A Cohort Study. BMC Nursing, 21(1), 6. DOI: 10.1186/s12912-021-00772-3
Jones-Fitzgerald, K., Weschler, S., Zulewski, D., & Wood Magee, L. J. (2022). Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Management of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A Scoping Review of Randomized Control Trials. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 25(6), 964–995. DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2021.0512
Zhang, Y., Song, H., Wang, J., Xi, X., Cefalo, P., Wood, L. J., Luo, X., & Wang, Q. M. (2022). Multiplex Array Analysis of Serum Cytokines Offers Minimal Predictive Value for Cognitive Function in the Subacute Phase after Stroke. Frontiers in Neurology, 13, 886018. DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2022.886018