Giving to Psychology and Neuroscience

Gifts to the Discretionary Fund of the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience will help support important activities for both our undergraduate and graduate programs, including student research support, research equipment, a colloquium series, student travel to present posters at conferences, and student awards. All of these activities help our department to continue to thrive.

The Department of Psychology and Neuroscience has seen a steep upward trajectory in excellence over the past few years. Our majors have doubled since 2018, and we are hiring faculty of the highest quality. Our goal is to provide innovative, stimulating, and up-to-date teaching and the best possible research opportunities for our undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students.

Should you want to discuss making a special gift to the department, please be in touch with the Director of Development, Schools and Programs, Sally Murray, by email at or by phone at 617-552-8517.