Students and professionals can enhance their knowledge and advance their careers through several certificate programs. Each program can be completed on its own or as part of a master’s degree.
The Lynch School has five departments:
Learn how to better serve students with ASD by understanding the nature of autism and the educational techniques that best meet these students’ unique needs.
Increase your capacity to support the mental health of children and families as a counselor or educator.
Develop a deep understanding of the science of early childhood development and the policies and systems that intersect with young children and their families.
Develop the skills to use policy creatively and effectively to advance organizational goals and educational change.
This certificate prepares students how to become effective teachers in an increasingly globalized world and what constitutes a valued and engaging curriculum for the community. You'll learn how to adopt a global lens to identify and address barriers to equity, inclusion, and global citizenship in educational settings.
Learn to think critically within and across disciplines to better understand contemporary human rights challenges and offer thoughtful, effective responses.
This certificate will study the rapidly changing landscape in various learning environments and apply learner variability to offer options for engagement and learner choice. Students will be able to transform one size fits all classrooms into vibrant learning communities where all learners can belong and succeed.
Prepare for a career in higher education as an institutional research officer or analyst by helping schools address institution-related questions and problems.
Deepen your understanding of global higher education models and critical issues impacting higher education around the world.
Learn about and utilize the Positive Youth Development model to support youth in diverse communities.
Boldly advance equity in schools and enact a systemic response to confront the barriers students face.
The TESOL certificate program will also prepare students to teach English in diverse instructional settings where English is a second, foreign, or international language.
Designed for professionals who would like to broaden and deepen their understanding of the concept of psychological trauma, its history as a field, the impact of trauma on individual and societal well-being, and effective intervention responses.