We offer two doctoral programs, an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Theology and Education and a Doctorate in Sacred Theology (part of our ecclesiastical sequence). Boston College's Ph.D. in theology (separate from these two degrees) is housed in the Theology Department in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences.
During the program, students develop expertise in a specific area, mastering the issues and methodologies of their discipline. Our alumni contribute to Church administration and pastoral work, serving through dioceses, seminaries, religious communities, and institutions of higher learning around the world.
Degree requirements:
A three-semester residency
One modern language beyond S.T.L. requirements
Four courses or seminars in an area of specialization
Two semesters as a teaching assistant
Comprehensive examinations
Thesis proposal
Completion and defense of a doctoral thesis
Complete the culminating degree in the Catholic Church’s ecclesiastical education system. As home to one of the nation’s seven S.T.D. programs, STM forms scholars who produce original research and new approaches to theological methodology.
Prepare for a career as a leader in religious education, working with your STM advisor and enjoying access to courses at the Lynch School of Education and Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences. You’ll design your own program of study and gain valuable skills as a research and teaching assistant.
Program requirements include:
48 credit hours beyond the master’s degree
Reading knowledge of one modern, classic, or biblical language other than English,
Comprehensive examinations
A dissertation
This unique and interdisciplinary program integrates coursework from across Boston College to educate future scholars and educators. Enjoy the peace of mind to focus on your studies with funding for four years, including a full tuition scholarship, a stipend, and health insurance.